Natural Horsemanship Program Level 1

  • clinichoto
  • j terry2
  • maki the coectio
  • s bulick
  • mesteo obstacles5
  • mesteo obstacles1
  • mesteo obstacles3
  • mesteo obstacles4

Natural Horsemanship Program Level 1

Introducing KAH Natural Horsemanship Program Level 1, a basic horsemanship program for all ages. This program will be especially beneficial for those who are new to riding, getting back into horseback riding, youth riders , or anyone wanting to improve communication with their horse, and develop safe handling and riding techniques. I guarantee that if you finish this program and are able to "test out" at a "B" level and above, you will have greatly improved your natural horsemanship skills and developed a far better line of communication with your horse. At the end of the program you horse will have turned in his "country club membership card" and joined the club of 2, your horse and you. Sign up for a 3 day Natural Horsemanship Program Level 1 clinic and I will cover every exercise in 3 days, if you're ready you can test out at the end of the weekend. Or, go home and practice then come back for a 1 day refresher clinic, or even send me a video and I'll grade you and your horse from that! If you can't spend 3 days at one time, no problem, I will be scheduling 1 day clinics that will break the program down into 3 parts.

Category: Programs
Originally Posted 6 years ago
Last updated 6 years ago